License Details

This website holds information for Australian Residents only.

Clarity Financial Group holds an Australian Credit License under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 as issued by ASIC. License number 387423. We are members of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia. Membership Number 4111. We are members of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Membership Number 45422.

View the Clarity Financial Group privacy policy here.

Our complaints contact for our Internal Dispute Resolution Scheme is Mark Edlund.
Phone: (02) 6209 1990
Fax: (02) 6249 1613
Postal Address: GPO Box 175 Canberra City ACT 2601
Email Mark

Our deputy complaints contact is Felicity Maddison
Phone: (02) 6209 1990
Postal Address: GPO Box 175, Canberra City ACT 2611
Email Felicity

Australian Finance Group

As Mortgage Brokers we are required to process our loans through an Intermediary Company. We work with Australian Finance Group Pty Ltd as they have the best support in place to maintain our industry training and compliance. AFG provide an electronic platform which allows us to submit your loan application online directly to the lenders. This enables us to cut days off the loan process.

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